The company (Kashmiri Lal Tarun Khanna P. Ltd.) has made reasonable efforts to ensure that all information provided through this web site on the Internet is accurate at the time of inclusion. However, there may be inadvertent and occasional errors for which the company apologies. It should not be taken as a definitive guide to every area of concern, nor should it be considered sufficiently full and accurate to cover every situation. Further information and appropriate professional advice should be sought. Decisions should be taken in accordance with normal business evaluation methods.
Whilst care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the Content contained within, it is provided on the understanding that no responsibility attaches to the company and we shall not be liable under the contract or otherwise for any consequential loss or damages (including without limitation loss of contract, loss of use, loss of profit or other economic loss and whether caused by the negligence of ourselves, our employees or agents or otherwise) which arises out of or in connection with the supply of the information transmitted via this website.
The Site may include links to third party Internet websites which are controlled and maintained by others. These links are included solely for the convenience of users and do not constitute any endorsement by the company of the sites linked or referred to, nor does the company have any control over the content of any such sites.
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